Maze manias

From Castle Wiki
Maze manias.png

Maze manias are games made by people

Maze mania decks

The goal is to get the diamond every level of the deck


To be honest that it got created by kapskat, other people used to make their own games, the decks somehow got popular


First maze mania

The first maze mania was created by kapskat known for getting it popular, it got created by him, his brother and his cousin.


Chapter 1

Level 1: It starts with a easy maze, the goal is to get the orange dot

Level 2: the maze got a bi hard

Level 3: the guy tries to give candy to the player, but it's actually a poison

Level 4: the guy will call the maze master

Level 5: the maze master arrived and the maze is hard

Level 6: the maze is harder and the maze master tries to scam the player.

The chapter 1 is completed

Chapter 2

Level 1: the criminal asks the player to rob the bank, the maze is harder so it has cops

Level 2: the criminal got arrested

Level 3: the maze is insane (the cop catch you)

Chapter 2 is complete

Chapter 3

Level 1: the maze is the prison

Level 2: you escaped

Level 3: decision




Police mans



The game has been so popular (missing infomation)

New maze manias

People started to make maze manias in ~2022(missing infomation)

Overpopulation 2.0

Connecting with trending decks

The decks currently gets over populated

The castle pre-prototype dynamic era

(Missing infomation)